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Try It Before You Buy It

We make it easy to move forward with confidence.  Put our solution to the test before making a purchase.  If you like it buy it.  If it's not a good fit, send it back.  Use the form on this page to request your free trial.

Get Your Promo Codes Now

Whether you end up using them or not, you can maximize your potential savings by opting in to the following promotions now.  Your initial submission of this form is the only time to qualify for these promotions.  Your company will receive a personalized promo code for each offer that you select while filling out and submitting this form for the first time. (*New customers only.)

  • 10th unit free: If you decide to move forward with 10 or more units, simply purchase 9 or more and the trial unit will be yours to keep free.

  • Free Month of Service: If you place an order within 30 days of submitting this form, you will receive 1 free month of service for the whole order.


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